These homemade crepes are very thin and delicate, and their sides are crisped to perfection with butter. They are simple to make using just a blender and a regular pan, and after they are done, they are prepared for the fillings and toppings of your choosing, whether they are sweet or savory. These crepes made in the French way may be made in any standard frying pan. Moreover, the greatest thing is that you only need eight standard ingredients. 

Have you ever tried making anything similar before? Making crepes at home that are on par with those served in restaurants is not nearly as difficult as it may first seem. In today's post, I will take you to step by step through the whole procedure, including the most important success recommendations, the top eight ingredients to use, the reason I use a blender, and a wide variety of filling possibilities. 

Since I started cooking them a few years back, I have consumed a significant number of them at cafes, restaurants, and at events that were catered, and as a result, I have gained a TON of info along the way. My process has become more efficient, but I have not changed the formula. 

Crepes are pancakes prepared in the French way that are very thin and delicate. Crepes are produced without any leavening. When done properly, they are as delicate as lace and have edges that are irresistibly buttery and crunchy. Crepes are often ordered at restaurants and other catered events; in fact, I've even seen crepe stations set up at wedding receptions. Crepes may be enjoyed at any time of the day, including supper and dessert, despite the fact that they are most often served for breakfast or brunch. Crepes are versatile in terms of when they may be enjoyed since they can be stuffed with anything, from whipped cream and berries to meats, sauce, and vegetables.


3 Tbsp.Of unsalted butter; plus 4 more Tbsp for the pan. 

1 Cup.Of all-purpose flour. 

1 Tbsp.Of granulated sugar. 

A pinch.Of salt. 

3/4 Cup.Of whole milk, at room temp. 

1/2 Cup.Of room temp water. 

2 large eggs; at room temp. 

1 1/2 Tsp.Of pure vanilla extract.


Step 1

In a microwave or on a stovetop, melt 3 tablespoons of butter. Chill for about 5 minutes before proceeding. The leftover butter is reserved for the pan. 

Step 2

In a blender or large food processor, combine the cooled melted butter, flour, sugar, salt, milk, water, eggs, and vanilla. If you do not have a blender or food processor, whisk the ingredients by hand in a large mixing basin. 

Step 3

Turn the blender on medium-high and let it run for 20 to 30 seconds to mix everything together. The mixture will have the texture and consistency of cream. 

Step 4

Cover the blender firmly or pour the mixture into a medium basin, cover closely, and refrigerate for 30 minutes to 1 day. 

Step 5

Use the remaining butter to grease the pan between each crepe as you cook them. Prepare an 8-inch skillet with a liberal amount of the saved butter over medium heat. If you do not have a pan of this size, use a bigger one, but make sure the crepes remain thin. 

Step 6

Pour 3-4 Tbsp (closer to 3 is preferable) of batter onto the middle of the pan once the skillet is heated. Tilt/rotate the pan until the batter reaches its maximum extent. The texture is better the thinner the crepe. Cook for 1 to 2 minutes, then turn once the underside is firm. If you wait too long to flip crepes, they can acquire a rubbery flavor. 

Step 7 

Prepare the second side for 30 seconds, or until set. Move the crepe to a large dish, then continue the process with the remaining batter, buttering the pan between each crepe. 

Step 8

Separate each crepe with parchment paper if wanted to prevent sticking. But, if sufficient butter is used in the pan, crepes will not stick. 

Step 9

Fill the crepes with filling. I like serving these warm, but they are also delicious at room temperature. Check my choices for fillings above or my recipe comments below. 

Step 10

Put a few tablespoons of the filling ingredients in the crepe's middle. Both sides are folded over the filling. Crepes are also excellent with toppings such as a drizzle of melted chocolate, melted peanut butter, or a dusting of confectioners' sugar.